GRE Words and Short Story #3
- Anachronism-(n)-something out of place in time
- caustic-(adj)-biting in wit
- desultory-(adj)-jumping from one thing to another; disconnected.
- dupe-(n)-a person who is easily deceived; or to deceive.
- foment-(v)-to arouse or incite
- inimical-(adj)-hostile, unfriendly
- malinger-(adj)-to evade responsibility by pretending to be ill.
- onerous-(adj)-troublesome and oppressive; burdensome
- archaic-(adj)-ancient, old fashion.
- diatribe-(n)-an abusive condemnatory speech
- eclectic-(adj)-selecting from or made up from a variety of sources.
- frugality-(n)-a tendency to be cheap of thrifty
He walked into the room with this hideous outfit.
Gosh, I knew he was known for his
frugality, but to have saved a few bucks on that outfit, for what? To provide the illusion of an
eclectic taste?
Pfft...please, the 16th century-looking jacket on his shoulders was the greatest
anachronism I had witnessed in ages; not even my grandmother's presence during my 21st birthday's extravaganza had even come close. No, he wasn't eclectic; the outfit was, at best,
desultory. I mean, a purple jacket on a bright orange shirt!? Trust me, I am no
fashionista, by any means, but at least I have some taste.
Oh well,
that was his choice, I told myself. No need to embarrass him more than what the outfit was already capable of doing. I tried to hold off the need to place a few
caustic phrases on the air so that everyone would become more aware of the hideousness of his cloth's shenanigans.
I took a big gulp of my benevolent serving of Pinot Noir, trying to focus my attention on something else, but I couldn't; the temptation was SO STRONG. I wanted to
foment on him an awareness of the vomiticious-ness of his evening garments. I wanted to be
inimical to the extreme. I would begin by throwing a few sarcastic compliments; he was such a
dupe that he wouldn't even realize the truth behind my scheme. I was beginning to construct my future
diatribe, placing together a few initial sentences that I would use to get inspired and continue on my negative rambling once I got started.
I would begin by praising the
archaic nature of his jacket.
How wonderful it is, I would exclaim, and the poor fool wouldn't even know what was going on underneath the surface! From that point on, my conversation would become increasingly more
onerous to the point where my intentions would be lucid. If someone didn't like it, so be it. This was the last night I would be with anyone in this room. If my diatribe really offended someone, then I would simply excuse myself for the evening and become a
No need for complications! At that point, my job would have been done, and the dude would know better than to dress like a clown when I am around!
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