Tue Nov 20 11:00:34 PST 2018

GRE Words and Short Story #4

  1. aggrandize-(v)-to increase in power, influence, and reputation

  2. ardor-(n)-intense and passionate feeling

  3. chauvinistic-(adj)-someone prejudiced in favor of a group to which he or she belongs to

  4. diffident-(adj)-lacking self-confidence

  5. eulogy-(n)-speech in praise of someone

  6. garrulous-(adj)-tending to talk a lot

  7. innocuous-(adj)-harmless

  8. opprobrium-(n)-public disgrace

  9. rhetoric-(n)-effective writing or speaking

  10. satiate-(v)-to satisfy or overindulge

  11. veracity-(n)-truthfulness and accuracy

  12. insipid-(adj)-lacking interest or favor

  13. glib-(adj)-marked by a lack of an intellectual depth


I stood up, felling
diffident about the entire situation; it was my turn to rebuke the arguments presented by my opponent, and he had been good--too good. It was my school's debate championship final, so what did I expect? My competitor had shown an unprecedented
ardor when presenting his arguments; his speech had tastefully evolved from a mere set of facts to a memorable embodiment of
rhetoric. When he had finished, the room had exploded, the claps of the audience forming a wordless
eulogy for him, reverberating on the walls, and in the process,
aggrandizing the audience's favorable stance towards his views.

Now, everyone stood there,
insipid, with a blank stare on their face. My competitor had already
satiated their needs for rhetoric, and now there I was, the competition. No matter the
veracity of my own view points, and how well I would be able to deliver them, they would see me as just another
garrulous dude; they would boo with all their lung-strength, and I would end my high school career in utter

So I decided to throw away my original plan. Instead of showing deference to my challenger's viewpoints, I would be cocky and
chauvinistic about the whole thing. At the end, this path would be
innocuous, my competitor had already won, so no matter how hard I tried, the outcome would be the same.

Thus, I began and ended by
glib response with a, "
Fuck you!"

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